Ponderings and a plan

I met with the CNM recruiter, Esteban. He reviewed my resume and offered up a few suggestions. It was nice to know that many of the things that I have in the works (portfolio, blog site, projects) are the right direction in getting me hired somewhere. He wasn't able to work with me to get a job since he works primarily with bootcamp grads. No worries. I got this :)

I completed the first draft design of the Salcedo site. I scheduled a meeting with Betsy for this upcoming Friday to chat about my work and determine if I can move forward with development.

Finally, I continued my studies in Gatsby. Most of what I'm currently studying is review, but it's well-needed. There are so many seemingly trivial things that I'm finding weren't so trivial. At least I have the next few days to work on my own code. I'm going to try and focus on wrapping up Gatsby studying and move on to designing my blog site. I keep flip-flopping between my portfolio and the blog. However, if I don't have many projects to show off, I won't have a solid portfolio. The blog will be a great addition to those projects. After the blog goes live, I can start on the portfolio.

A decent plan.


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